When do I receive my account?
This will arrive after your anaesthesia. We offer a discount if you pay your account in full within 2 weeks. You then claim the health fund and Medicare benefits for yourself. Alternatively you could send your account to the health insurance company and Medicare, and then send in these cheques with any out-of- pocket payment – this is often a lengthy process that makes it difficult to receive the early payment discount. Sometimes we can send your account to the health fund on your behalf.
Note that we prefer BPay or EFT. Cheques can be accepted. Credit card payments can be made by arrangement, although this generally incurs a merchant fee, usually of 2.5%.
Feedback is welcomed on how to better streamline the processes around having an operation. In particular, we are interested in reducing duplication on your part, and identifying areas where you would like more information or support.
Please feel free to raise any questions or concerns regarding your anaesthesia or your anaesthesia account. If you have concerns after your anaesthesia, please advise me as soon as possible.